Access Forever Free Digital Classes
We’re proud to announce Vala Musicals as our strategic partner for hosting, marketing and distributing digital classes in musical theater and songwriting to students and educators everywhere. Visit Vala Musicals for the extensive programming we support with classes that meet Common Core and National Core Arts Standards.
Free Arts Education Programs for Students & Educators
As government support for arts education programs is woefully underfunded, it has become nearly impossible for public schools to continue arts programs. The Development Wing has partnered with Vala and The Johnny Mercer Foundation to provide forever free classes in songwriting and musical theater to students and educators nation-wide.
On Center Stage
Our programs offer engaging learning opportunities for students grades K-12, and provide teachers and homeschool educators with materials to facilitate the process.
Learning for Everyone
With an emphasis on fun in learning, programs meet Common Core and National Core Arts Standards. Opportunities will be offered to teachers to receive professional development hours for planning and delivering the units.
Vala’s educational programs teach critical 21st century life skills — collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.
Our forever-free programs are available to everyone. Students can enjoy the teachings of songwriting, theater, language arts and the humanities on their own or through an educator.
Social Awareness
We believe in the power of music and theatre to impact ourselves and our communities.
By combining arts and education, we use the creative process to solve problems and explore endless possibilities.
FREE unlimited streaming of brand-new musicals.
Be the first to experience the next Hamilton on Vala!
With free membership, you’ll have access to the following at no cost:
Unlimited streaming of brand-new shows from Emmy, Tony and Pulitzer winning creators
A complete library of educational videos for theater enthusiasts of all ages
Membership in our community on a journey to make new standards in accessibility for musical theater opportunities
The earliest communication on exciting new content being released
Want to learn more?
Latest News
On June 2, the Investors Bank Donates $2500 to the Development Wing.